
A simulation, resource management, & educational game


Why this game?

I developed this prototype in a 3 days. This prototype served mainly as my training on how to Design a systemic game and simulation management game.

Also learning how to balance a systemic simulation game. Which is quite complex, yet easy at the same time.

Also this is a project for an entry test to a company. Which explain why I have a very limited time to develop it.


  • Unreal Engine 4.24

  • Excel



The target audience for this game is High school students. This game will provide scientifically accurate information, to help student learns more about this specific topic.

Gamified simulation

Learning should be Fun and interactive. Because this will help user able to absorb information more effectively.

Gameplay mechanics

Resources Management

Users will need to balance the resource for the plant. If the resources fall too low or too much, plant health will be reduced. The simulation itself, takes place in an enclosed space, to enhance the feeling of resource balancing. Because User need to control the resources inside the enclosed area.

This is the main Mechanic of this prototype. As it will teach the player, how much a plant can tolerate before it dies, or grow.

So why did I chose this mechanic? Basically photosynthesis itself is a process of transforming energy, and resource management. So, I think this type of mechanic will be the most accurate representation and best approach to fulfill the game pillars.

Plant Grow

This is the main objective of this game. Grow the plant to certain level in certain condition.

On the first iteration, I make the plant growth gradually as long as the sugar level is enough. However I notice that the gradual change in plant size, didn't reward user enough.

That is why I decided to change the grow mechanic a bit (at a cost). The new grow mechanic is player can choose to grow the plant at any time considering there are enough sugar level. And when chosen, the plant will grow to a certain level automatically, while consuming the sugar. This new mechanics prove to be more "rewarding", however It come at a cost. The Decrease of scientifically accuracy. since no plant grow like this.

Well since this is a gamified approach I decided that this is the best balance between game and science. Because who doesn't know that plant doesn't grow like this? Just kidding, No, the information on how the plant actually growth will be shown when user press the grow button to avoid misconception on user perspective, and to maintain the value of the game.

External Factors

There are a lot of external factors that can affects the photosynthesis process. By transforming those variables into a mechanic, the gameplay could have more depth and realistic value.

For example, user can put cover if the light is too hot or too intense, if not covered, the plants might die because of high temperature. Or put in more water, because the water level on the dirt is too low.

Quizzes and Help menu

This is also the second main mechanic in this prototype. Quiz and help menu information can help user to further understand about photosynthesis.

The quiz themselves will popup at random time/situation, and if answered correctly, will provide user with extra resources which can be used to supply the plants with necessary resource.

The way I designed this quiz, is to make the quiz essential, in other words, the game will failed since player also failed to understand how the photosynthesis work. This kind of enforcement is important because of the game pillars.

Scenario/Campaign selection

So actually I also planned to add this in the prototype, however, the time constraint won't allow me.

This scenario selection have a purpose to serve as extra educational simulation, and not to mention so the prototype will have full core loop rotation.

Each scenario will have different external factors value, and also different plant, which will behave differently. So as a game, this will serve as progression and challenge for user. At the same time, as a educational media, this will provide user with scientifically accurate information on how each plant grow in different environment.

Pre-production Process

  1. Defining Game pillars , Core experiences, and User target.

I always take a note for this important thing, since this will help me in to stay on track as the prototype developed.

I chose to target High school student since it is quite prime target with a topic that is quite hard to imagine like this. Gamified approach sure will help them learn even better.

Also I do a lot of research on how the photosynthesis works just to that I understand, and don't give false information to user.

2. Mechanics Drafting, Implementation, And Testing.

I started to develop it from the resources management part, just to see how well it plays. Turn out it's good enough, then I proceed to add the objective. which turn out to be ok too.

Development Process

(Warning, wall of text below, I didn't even try to capture the development process, sorry.)

1. Filter and Filter and Filter!

The first thing I did after I finished all of the base mechanics is to test them. This way I can find flaw, how they interact with each other, and what is fun about them.

Then I use the information I gathered on to refine the mechanics even more.

As a Designer I also love a flexible and easy to edit objects, so that is why I make sure to make all mechanics easy to edit, and flexible.

2. Rebalancing

This is the toughest part in a game like this. This is where my majority of time is spent on. Finding that sweet spot between not too hard, yet feels good to play is time consuming work. Especially when we didn't have a base line of what kind of experience we want.

That is why I always make sure to have a clear base line before proceeding further to balancing. Which prove to be quite effective.

3. Add supporting mechanic

After the game is felt good enough, I decided to add more mechanic to increase the Depth even more. Even though I didn't have time to balance it perfectly, I still see those mechanics will be a good fit if balanced perfectly.

4. Rebalancing (again)

This is the toughest part in a game like this. This is where my majority of time is spent on. Finding that sweet spot between not too hard, yet feels good to play is time consuming work. Especially when we didn't have a base line of what kind of experience we want.

That is why I always make sure to have a clear base line before proceeding further to balancing. Which prove to be quite effective.