Chandra sunarseto

Game Designer | LEvel Designer

Professional Project

Current Project.
Fast paced hero shooter game (UE 5).

Mostly working as the Level Designer, helping the team to balance some parameters on the game, and helping team to make some prototype.

Turn Based, Base building, RPG (UE 4-5)

Mostly designing the core game mechanic, Balancing the economic progression, and Help improving the system to have a more efficient workflow.

3rd Person Action Adventure (UE 4)

Helping the team to prototype the core pillars of the game, mostly making Level Design, Puzzle Design, and 3C Design.
Nova Legacy Java Gameplay

JAVA Shooter Platformer (Internal Engine)

Mostly handling game assets optimization, reducing the game size, and making new levels, and cutscene, based on the master device.

Personal Project

Horror Survival Game (UE 5)

This is a prototype that I made by myself from scratch within 10 days.

Level Design Training (UE 4)

This is a level that I made for a test on how to make a good Hero shooter game.
BAL Solid gameplay

Puzzle Physics Game (UE 4)

I made and released this game as a side project and to make a deeper understanding on UE. I managed to make this game from scratch to release in under 2 months.

Simulation Management Game

I made this prototype as a test on how to make a systematic gameplay that have parameters that are interconnected with each other on a complex level.

Player Made Custom Dungeon

This is the level I made in Genshin Impact game, the one where we can make a dungeon level and share it with other players.

Other small Projects

Pitch Documents Sample